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About the ESG meets Blockchain Summit 2023

The ESG Center of Excellence and its Partners are bringing together at the ESG meets Blockchain Summit 2023 in Lugano (Switzerland) a diverse array of high-level specialists from government, business, NGOs, and the research community to engage in constructive dialogue.

The Summit is the premier podium of choice for opinion leaders and senior policymakers to announce, share and explain important initiatives in the fields of ESG and Blockchain by exploring the convergence, challenges and opportunities in the fields of ESG, Blockchain, Risk, Digital Transformation, Policy & Sustainability.

The confirmed speakers and participants for the Summit 2023 include policymakers, diplomats, academicians, consultants, corporate leaders, lawyers, ESG and Blockchain experts from across the globe including Switzerland, Italy, France, Eastern Europe and India.

Parts of the Summit 2023 will be aired live via Stream and out of the Summit various audiovisual materials, interactive graphics, and social media content will be produced to deepen the understanding of the issues discussed.

Prof. Aditya Singh
Prof. Marco Casanova, lic.rer.pol.
Prof. Aditya Singh
Prof. Marco Casanova, lic.rer.pol


Wednesday, 12. July 2023

Boat trip for Speakers, Partners and Guests (on the first carbon neutral boat on Lake Lugano)

17:15 Meeting Point: Pontile Lugano Giardino (posto barca)
17:30 Departure

Thursday, 13. July 2023

VENUE: Campo Est USI/SUPSI, Sala Polivalente (Via la Santa 1, 6962 Viganello)


09:30 Welcome by the Summit Chairman Prof. Aditya Singh
09:40 Welcome by Tiziano Leidi (Director Information Systems and Networking Institute, SUPSI)

Every city needs a plan; Best Practice example “Lugano PlanB”

09:50 Introduction to the Topic by the Summit Host Prof. Marco Casanova, lic.rer.pol. (Director, ESG Center of Excellence)
10:00 Presentation of the Lugano PlanB initiative by Pietro Poretti (Head Business Development City of Lugano)
10:20 „Lugano – World‘s first mover in blockchain based bonds“, by Paolo Bortolin, MBA (Head of Finance, City of Lugano)
10:50 Coffee Break
11:10 Keynote Speech I “Scaling Up Sustainable Finance - A European Perspective on ESG” by Senida Mesi (Development Economist, EU Commission Expert on Sustainable Finance, former Deputy Prime Minister Albania & Member of Parliament)
11:50 Keynote Speech II “Where India stands on ESG and Blockchain”
Special address by First Secretary of India in Switzerland Mr. Deepak Bansal to honor ”the 75 years of friendship treaty of Switzerland and India”
12:30 Lunch Break

VENUE: Campo Est USI/SUPSI, Sala Polivalente (Via la Santa 1, 6962 Viganello)

Insights on operational, conduct and reputational risk management with special focus on ESG

13.30 Introduction to the Topic by Prof. Marco Casanova, lic.rer.pol. (Director, ESG Center of Excellence)
13.45 How ESG is shaking Up the Risk Universe
Perspective on Financial Services by Dr. Vinay Kalia (Senior Manager – FS Risk Consulting & Internal Audit, PwC Switzerland)
Perspective on Sustainable Industrial Business by Federico Merlo (Senior Manager, Advisory, PwC Switzerland)
14.45 Coffee Break
15.15 “Risk and Blockchain – how the relationship is evolving in the crypto-finance world” by Dario Orteca (Director – Advisory Management Consulting - Financial Services, PwC Switzerland)
“What are the considerations driving the ESG Journey of the world's first digital asset bank” by Francisco de Fraga Fontes (Risk Officer, Sygnum)
16.15 Panel Discussion with the Afternoon participants moderated by Summit Chairman Prof. Aditya Singh
17.00 Reflections of the day by the Summit Chairman Prof. Aditya Singh
17.15 Apéro Riche


Friday, 14. July 2023

Leveraging blockchain towards UN SDGs

09:30 Welcome by the Summit Chairman Prof. Aditya Singh
09:40 Introduction to the Topic by Prof. Marco Casanova, lic.rer.pol. (Director, ESG Center of Excellence)
09:50 Presentation of the Project “UNECE Framework initiative – the Blockchain Pilots for Traceability and Transparency in Textile and Leather Value Chains” by Maria Teresa Pisani (Acting Head, Sustainable Trade and Outreach Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) and Ing. Giacomo Poretti (President Ticino blockchain Technology Association TBTA and Docente e Ricercatore, Dipartimento tecnologie innovative, SUPSI)
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 “How biodiversity conservation can be investable. InvestConservation® tradable NFT-tokens that protects hectares of irreplaceable biodiversity in tropical forests”, by Andres Vergara (CMO, InvestConservation®, Lugano)
11:00 “How to introduce Sustainability Investing into an Organization” by Alessandra Festini (Cassa Forense Ufficio Investimenti, Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza, Rome, Italy)
11:15 Use case “Sustainable Solutions for Shipping Energy efficiency” Roberto Cafagna (President, Azra Advanced Materials GmbH)
11:30 Case study “SNL project 2020-2035 - First carbon neutral boat on Lake Lugano” by Gabriel Ramos (Society Navigazione Lago di Lugano)
11:45 Panel discussion with all the speakers from the morning, moderated by Prof. Marco Casanova
12:30 Lunch Break

ESG Risk Mitigation – protecting investments in challenging times

13.30 Introduction to the topic by Prof. Marco Casanova, lic.rer.pol. (Director, ESG Center of Excellence)
13.40 “ESG investing - a facet of conscious capitalism”- by Enrico Sassoon (Editor-in-Chief of Harvard Business Review in Italy, Board Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy and of Aspen Institute Italia)
14.15 ”Protection of investments in the context of the recent trends in the international disputes regarding ESG” by Prof. Crenguta Leaua (Director, Swiss Institute for Alternative Thinking, Lugano)
14.35 “Integrating the ESG goals in the international policy making – current trends and challenges” by Ms. Daniela Lulache (Head of the Office of Policy and Co-ordination, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency NEA)
15.05 Coffee Break
15.20 Panel discussion with speakers from the afternoon, in addition Ute Bock (Risk Consultant, former Chief Risk Management Officer, Stellantis), Elena Panaritis (Founder & CEO Panel Group LLC and Thought4Action) and Dr. Antonios Koumbarakis (Head Sustainability & Strategic Regulatory team within PwC Switzerland) moderated by Prof. Marco Casanova
16.10 Reflections of the day and the entire Summit 2023 by Chairman Prof. Aditya Singh
16.25 Outlook of the Summit 2024 & Final Words by Prof. Marco Casanova
16.30 Apéro Riche

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