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Joe Dombrowski
VP Product Management
Joe Dombrowski is Vice President of Product Management at Sagent

In this role, he is responsible for the ongoing direction of Sagent’s existing product suite which includes
CARE for borrower engagement and LoanServ for loan servicing.

Joe started in loan servicing operations and support over 30 years ago and has been focused on how to decrease work involved in servicing loans ever since. His experience not only includes the front and back office functions of servicing, but conversions to LoanServ from other system, managerial consulting,
opportunity assessment, technology adoption consulting, and product management.

Joe is a member of several national lending advocacy groups, and has written and spoken extensively on servicing topics.
May 7, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Alpine Ballroom
Today's Platform & Driving Operational Excellence
May 8, 2024 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM Alpine Ballroom
Roadmap of Today's Platform